
Prayer for the Deceased

30 May , 2016  

Untitled design (21)Into Your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend the soul of Your servant                        , now departed from the body. Through Your grace, she/he is a sheep of Your fold. She/he was a sinner who You in love and through sacrifice redeemed to become

She/he was a sinner who You, in love and through sacrifice, redeemed to become Your beloved lamb. Our hearts are gladdened that You have not only received her/him into your arms, but You have granted her/him a celestial body, incorruptible and undefiled.

Endow her/him with Your blessed rest and everlasting peace as she joins that glorious company of saints gathered around Your throne basking in Your glorious Presence.




For more discussion on Death, read Comments Inspired by the Death of a Loved One.

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